How Do I Make Brown Butter?


The nutty flavor of brown butter and its golden color make it a luxurious addition to any dish. Herbs like sage and rosemary are especially delicious when fried in brown butter. Creamy mashed potatoes, gnocchi, ravioli, and even baked goods can all be enhanced with a touch of brown butter.

So how do you make it? Let’s take a closer look at how brown butter is made.

What is brown butter?

Brown butter is obtained from unsalted butter that is cooked until the milk solids caramelize. The result is a chestnut-colored condiment that is highly fragrant.

In French, brown butter is called beurre noisette.

How To Make Brown Butter

For starters, you’ll need a heavy bottomed stainless steel pan (do not use nonstick) and a heat resistant utensil like a silicone spatula or metal whisk. Then follow these steps:

  1. Cut the butter into chunks and place desired amount in the pan.
  2. Turn the heat to medium high. The butter will melt and begin to foam.
  3. Stir it gently to reduce splattering and cook until it separates and the milk solids turn brown.
  4. Transfer to a bowl, ensuring to scrape all the brown bits from the bottom of the pan (they contain loads of flavor!)

This nifty video from eHow illustrates the whole process:

If you’d like to have brown butter on hand at any given moment whip up a large batch and freeze it in ice cube trays, pop them out and store in an airtight freezer bag. Then add a cube or two to your favorite dishes.

What’s The Difference Between Brown Butter and Ghee?

Ghee is a type of Indian clarified butter that is obtained after the milk solids have been strained out of the final product. It is prepared in the same fashion as brown butter but it is removed from the heat before it turns dark brown, hence its golden hue.

Learn how to make ghee by clicking here

Homemade Butter

Do you love butter? Then why not make it from scratch? Try this easy recipe for homemade butter.

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Post Author: MNS Master